How to calculate a distance of one kilometer as the crow flies on Maps -


Whether it is to comply with the new confinement rules put in place against the second wave of the coronavirus or simply out of curiosity, it is possible to measure a distance as the crow flies from Google Maps.

Apple's mapping application, Maps, does this too, but in a different way.

Maps allows you to know how far a place is from its current position on the map.

You just have to keep your finger on the map to create a point.

When the latter appears, Maps displays the distance it is from our position on the map.

Point by point

To check that a particular location is within a radius of less than a kilometer from your home, you just have to select it from your home.

You will thus know the distance which separates you from this place.

If you want to check this distance without being at your home, use Google Maps.

Google's mapping application makes it possible to measure a distance between two points without having to be at one of the two.


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  • Google maps

  • Mobility

  • Iphone

  • Confinement

  • Gps

  • High-Tech

  • Apple