
A dedicated team was formed yesterday (20th) to investigate the suspicion that Kim Bong-hyun, a key figure in the Lime case, was entertaining alcohol to prosecutors, and a forced investigation took place within a day.

At the time, the prosecution confiscated and searched the office of a lawyer known to have been with Kim Bong-hyun at the time, who was at the reception desk.

This is the exclusive report by reporter Lee Hyun-jung.

<Reporter> The

investigation team dedicated to the suspicion of the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office was confiscated and searched for a law firm in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul for 6 hours from 9 am today.

This is the office of Attorney A, who is suspected of attempting to lobby the prosecutor while defending Kim Bong-hyun.

The prosecution is known to have undertaken a forensic operation on the computer and cell phone for Attorney A that it confiscated.

In addition, it is said that they are looking for the lobby situation from the documents and memos they have secured.

Kim Bong-Hyun insisted in his handwritten statement released on the 16th, "Last year, in July with Attorney A, at a room salon in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, we treated three incumbent prosecutors with 10 million won worth of entertainment.

One of them wrote that he later became the head of the Lime investigation team, and the prosecution is known to have identified the identities of some of the prosecutors who were drinking based on Kim's statement.

Sooner or later, the prosecution is likely to confirm whether there was an actual drinking entertainment with Attorney A, and who the prosecutor was.

Earlier, the Ministry of Justice commissioned the prosecutors to investigate the prosecutors Kim's pointed out that they need a prompt investigation for bribery and violations of the Anti-Corruption Act.

As the dedicated investigation team initiates a forced investigation within a day, the speed of the investigation to confirm the substance of the suspicion of the prosecutor's lobby is expected to increase further.

(Video coverage: Gong Jin-gu, video editing: Hwang Ji-young)