<Anchor> In

Jeonju, a man in his twenties made an explosive and went to the house of a woman who refused to confess and burst it.

There was no other personal injury, only his hand was seriously injured.

This is JTV Song Chang-yong.

<Reporter> This

is an apartment in Jeonju.

Two windows on the stairs are broken.

Last (17th) at 8 pm, an explosion occurred on the stairs on the 3rd floor of this apartment.

At the time, a man in his twenties fell down with a serious injury to his left hand.

[Apartment residents: (stairs) There was a man lying on the 3rd floor railing holding his forearm. There are debris around it like booby wraps. There were 40-50 iron beads.]

As a result of a police investigation,

it was

confirmed that this man found this apartment where a woman lives with a homemade explosive when the woman he liked unilaterally did not meet.

And when he met the woman's father, it was investigated that he went up the stairs and detonated explosives.

When the man was refused dating, the police believed that the man was resentful and caused the case, and the explosive debris was collected to analyze the material purchase process and manufacturing technology.

Also, as soon as the man finishes treatment at the hospital, he plans to punish him for using explosives.

(Video coverage: Ahn Sang-jun JTV)