An incumbent male police officer has made several personal contacts to a female civilian who visited the police station to file a case, raising questions.

On August 21, Mr. A visited the Sejong Police Station to file the case.

Inspector B said to Mr. A at this meeting, "Call me in case of difficulty," and Mr. A left his phone number and returned home.

From then on, Inspector B continued'private contact' unrelated to the incident.

He called Mr. A on his cell phone and said, "Will it go well when the day is hot?", "Get a cup of coffee or soju when the work is done," or ask Mr. A if he has a partner.

On the evening of the 21st, he called Mr. A while drinking alcohol and continued the call for more than 19 minutes, saying, "You can see in the mirror, but (Mr. A) is a pretty and loved one. (After asking A's drinking amount) It is known to have made comments such as "It's just a good drink to make."

In addition, Mr. A claims that he was unpleasant because he made unnecessary talks such as "Why are you alone on a nice day like today" or "I have to meet several men" or made remarks reminiscent of sexual intercourse while on the phone.

In the end, Mr. A filed a complaint by notifying the hearing and audit office of the Sejong Police Station.

Inspector B is known to have admitted that he was "inexperienced and stupid," but said, "The sincerity of trying to be a strength to the complainant who was in trouble is partially distorted."

The Sejong Police Station has issued Inspector B to another department and is checking the facts.

This is'News Pick'.