"Why the hell did I do this to me, who I didn't know well. I've asked myself thousands of times. Now I know the answer to that question. To the defendant, I was nothing more than a toy."

Police officer A, a victim, said in a trembling voice at the appeal trial trial of Inspector Kim Mo (relegated to police officer) of Mo District University in Seoul held at the hearing of the Seoul Western District Court Criminal Affairs Division 1-1 (Judge Sung Ji-ho, Deputy Judge Hwang Soon-gyo). .

Kim is charged with committing verbal sexual violence that sexually degrades fellow female police officers on the Internet'random chat room' and inducing additional sexual violence crimes by disclosing his phone number (violation of the use of communication media under the Information and Communications Network Act and the Special Act on Punishment for Sexual Violence) I was sentenced to eight months in prison at the first trial.

Mr. A stressed, "The defendant was fun to see the victims being embarrassed after receiving a message from a man they did not know," he said. "The victims' suffering is more than the accused thinks."

He said, "You don't know how much you've been stolen by unprotected contact from strangers, how many people around you have been suspicious of people around you, how much bloody tears the victim's family shed," he said. "Someone said that the defendant was caught and ended. Victims are thrilled when they receive an unfamiliar phone call and cannot go back to before (the incident)."

In today's court, Mr. A and other victims were seated together.

Mr. Kim spreads the personal information of junior female police officers, who he found out through the police's internal personnel network for nine months from February of last year, through the Internet, and disguised the victims as if they were making obscene words and actions themselves.

Participants in the random chat room sent sexually violent messages and photos to victims using the mobile phone number disclosed by Mr. Kim and made several calls.

The trial consisted of two-sided appeals.

Kim's side insisted on unjust sentencing and legally innocent, and the prosecution appealed for unjust sentencing.

Mr. Kim said, "Because the defendant made the random chat room participants to call the victims' numbers, it is difficult to be included in the punishment clause for calls that did not receive calls only," he said. "Excluding such crimes, 7 crimes were committed in a total of 9 months. It was committed, but it was questionable whether it would be possible to admit the repeatability of the crime.

The prosecution said, "From the victim's point of view, when dozens of calls are made to a specific number, you can feel great neurosis and fear, but you cannot accept the opinion that the phone alone cannot cause fear." I refuted that it is possible

Meanwhile, the court also warned Kim not to force the victims to agree.

The judge said, "If you look at the victims' petitions, the defendant is forcing an agreement, but once again, if the victims do not want to talk about the agreement and harass them, I will use it as an important reason for taking into account the sentence."

It is reported that the Seoul Police Agency demoted Kim to the first class through the disciplinary committee after identifying the suspect.

If the sentence is confirmed, Kim will be retired for granted.

(Photo = Courtesy of Yonhap News TV, Yonhap News)