The Cartwheel galaxy, immortalized and illustrated by the Chandra telescope and unveiled by Nasa Thursday, September 3 -

X-ray: NASA / CXC;

Optical: NASA / STScI

Breathtaking photos.

NASA released on Thursday a selection of images captured by the Chandra telescope.

Galaxies, a nebula, a supernova and a star system were notably photographed by the observation device.

The US space agency specifies, however, that these illustrations are not exact representations of what a human eye would see if it were in the telescope position.

They are indeed the result of an assembly of data transmitted by different devices, including the Chandra telescope, designed to capture X-rays and ultraviolet rays.

The #NASA's "Chandra" X-ray Observatory is a super powerful telescope helped produce dazzling images of galaxies, stars, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.

- Science & Vie (@science_et_vie) September 9, 2020

Huge and boiling galaxies

This method made it possible to produce a visual showing the supernova 1987A in full explosion and the shock wave produced by the phenomenon, "one of the strongest supernova explosions of the century" according to NASA.

Galaxy M82 is also represented with its gas emissions, as is the Wagon Wheel galaxy with its diameter of 150,000 light years.

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory observed X-ray emissions from the Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant located 6500 light-years from Earth

- 407 Dank (@ 407Dank) September 8, 2020

The Abell 2744 galaxy cluster is distinguished by its temperature of tens of millions of degrees Fahrenheit, visible through the x-ray vision of the Chandra telescope.

The last of NASA's snapshots shows the volatile Eta Carinae star system made up of two massive stars.

It could be the next supernova in our Milky Way.


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  • Astronomy

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  • Nasa

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  • Galaxy