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The actress from Jaén stars alongside the young Andrea Fandós in 'Las chicas', a nostalgic drama winner of the Golden Biznaga at the Malaga Festival


The Girls


Natalia de Molina

(Linares, Jaén, 1990)


Celia's mother

(Andrea Fandós), an 11-year-old girl who lives in Zaragoza.

In 1992, with a Spain that was beginning to know better what modernity was thanks to great events such as the Seville Expo or the Barcelona Olympic Games, many aspects of the past still survived.

Rules from another era that led little students from nun schools like Celia and her friends to

suddenly learn how life works and that being the daughter of a single mother was not frowned upon.

This nostalgic drama was

presented at the last Berlin Film Festival, where it received good reviews


A few weeks ago, at the

Malaga Film Festival

, the debut film by Pilar Palomero was awarded with the

La Biznaga de Oro awards for Best Spanish Film, Photography and the Feroz Award


Trailer 'Girls'

You will be happy that

Girls are

hitting theaters after passing through the Berlin and Malaga festivals ... And even more so with this very strong situation we are living in.

Look we were coming from Berlin with a huge rush in February ... But we couldn't imagine what would happen later.

So now, with the film about to be released and the Malaga Grand Prix, I'm living it all with much more intensity.

I love getting good news.

Feel better.

And I am not telling you the actresses who play "the girls" or the director herself. Do you think this story can move adults and children? The older ones can, because they can approach it from nostalgia. But I will tell you that the Children who have seen it have really enjoyed it. My 11-year-old niece understood it perfectly. She laughed a lot at the show and had a great time.

The girls

talk about someone who wakes up and discovers things. I think it connects with very different generations .What do you think is the greatest success of

The Girls

? What it best reflects is the silence of an era. How single mothers were spoken in groups or moments like those that lead my character to not get the right words in order to communicate well and only manage to speak with glances in some cases.You always have to be yourself and that what others want does not obscure who you are.

Celia (Andrea Fandós, right) is the protagonist of a film set in 1992 in Zaragoza.

Have you ever remembered

Roof and Food

, where you also gave life to a single mother, when playing Celia's mother? Over time I have realized that I like to explore and investigate the figure of the mother.

There are many aspects of motherhood and a mother is a very important figure in our life.

The truth is those two characters have little to do with each other.

Are very different.

Another thing is that Andrea reminded me of what I did in

Techo y comida


Her sensitivity and empathy have been very similar to that of little Jaime, with whom I worked then.

Come on, you feel comfortable filming with children ... Yes, I was very interested in that when the project was proposed to me.

Besides its history, of course.

Working with Andrea Fandós has been special.

It is very striking that she did not receive the script from Pilar, the director, but rather improvised.

Although, as in the cinema takes are repeated, after recording the same scene several times, Andrea showed that she was an actress and that she knew how to do an interpretive job as good as anyone's.

There is also another thing that is not seen: how I helped Andrea to get the story that Pilar wanted to be told.

It has been an added responsibility because Andrea saw me as her reference.

Luckily, we both did very well.

I have taken care of it and I can even say that I have learned from it. The film shows situations that seem from a distant time, although they remain today.

For example, that some look bad at single mothers, and that make you think and lead you to rethink your childhood.

Many retain a very romantic image of that time.

Here we do not see that modern Spain of 1992, but aspects of education and society full of silence.

This film is nostalgic and beautiful at the same time and it leads you to recognize that we lived and we live surrounded by contradictions. Would you say that there are things that have not changed? Today issues are repeated such as that children grow up surrounded by many contradictory messages .

When I was little I was very influenced by television.

I watched her for hours.

Now comes a very big revolution with the Internet and new technologies.

It is wonderful because it makes you connect with everyone but it has a very dark side.

There are ages when you are not mature and you can receive things for which you are not prepared.

And social networks are dangerous because they propose a very superficial and empty life.

And they generate a lot of frustration in young people.

According to the criteria of

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