
Then, we will continue to examine this in detail with medical reporter Cho Dong-chan.

I'm going to talk to reporter Jo from the studio and ask a few questions.

Q. Is there a backlash on the inside of the passport?

[Cho Dong-chan, medical reporter (specialist): After today's agreement, the Ministry of Health and Welfare withdrew the accusations against the six majors.

Democratic Party Rep. Lee Soo-jin, former chairman of the Federation of National Medical Industry Trade Unions, told SNS that all intentions that participated in the strike should be punished and medical schools should be increased.

One legislator in Passport has been so attracted to the medical community that it has been said that the atmosphere has to be held accountable to the Minister of Welfare.

However, he said that the official position is to follow the consensus that has become serious and difficult.]

Q. If the corona is passed, the group action again?

[Cho Dong-chan, medical reporter (specialist): It's been 20 years since 2000 that a major doctor left the hospital.

I was an intern and I did a group action due to the problem of division of medicine.

When I returned to the hospital at the time, I was promised verbally from the government.

Doctors have experience with this broken in less than two years.

It was this background that emphasized the famous culture as if it were obsessed this time.

The problem is that after that, the distrust between the doctor and the government deepens.

The government says it's because doctors keep the rice bowl, and there will be parts like this. Still, the principle of the medical world is that each regime has not come up with a long-term medical policy for the past 20 years, but has impatiently pushed for results within the period of power, that is, overly thinking about elections. Only by trusting each other and pursuing medical policies in a structured manner, the government will get votes in elections, and doctors will be able to escape the misunderstanding that they keep the rice bowl.]

Q. When will the major return?

[Cho Dong-chan, medical reporter (specialist): Professors of various universities and the Association of Vocational Medicines said they would support whatever decision the doctor makes, that is, even if the strike continues. However, although major doctors are participating in medical treatment even during strikes, it seems that they will make a complex decision because they know that professors filling the void are depleted.