
Public opinion is rising, demanding doctors return to the hospital as doctors in major oppose the ruling party's arbitration plan that reflects the demands of the medical community to some extent.

Medical reporter Cho Dong-chan pointed out the reasons for the failure to reach an agreement and what could be the clue of compromise.


President Moon Jae-in expressed regret that the medical vacuum is becoming a reality as the medical group action continues.

[President Moon Jae-in: I am very sorry that the medical community did not stop collectively refusing medical treatment in this severe situation.]

Civic groups such as the Participation Solidarity also criticized the medical strike strongly.

Despite the consensus between the government and the medical community, an agreement has not been reached.

According to the mediation proposal issued by the ruling party on the 28th, the expansion of medical schools and establishment of public medical schools will be "halted and discussed with all possibilities open until the spread of Corona 19 is stabilized." It's hard.

On the other hand, the mediation proposal presented by the medical elders the next day and signed by the representative of the major reads "We actively discuss from the origin."

The Korean Medical Association is asking for the phrase "rediscuss at the beginning" to be included in the government arbitration plan, and the government cannot accept it.

[Kim Kang-rip / Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare: In the use of the term review from the origin, (negotiation) proceeds must be completely ignored, resulting in this result... .]

In response, a medical elder who was directly involved in the intervention analyzed this as the cause of the accumulated lack of trust for 20 years.

At the same time, he said that narrowing the differences of opinion on solutions to problems in the medical field is the key to compromise.

[Hanhuicheol / South Korea Director School of Medicine, specializing in medical school associations: medical profession did significantly greater health disparities and regional issues yet gipigwa Problem to agree on these things is the difference between a resolution that the government worries -

a medical Elder is a medical As the government acknowledges that opinions have been sincerely received, it predicted that a dramatic compromise would be possible if trust is restored.

(Video coverage: Yoo-hyuk Yoo, video editing: Choi Jin-hwa)   

▶ The government vs. doctors who went out on-site investigation protested a sign of silence