
More than 50 confirmed patients have been confirmed so far at Starbucks in Paju, Gyeonggi-do. The quarantine authorities estimate that the virus spread faster by leaving air conditioners turned on in confined spaces. Our report team did an experiment and it was found that turning on the air conditioner increases the speed of spreading saliva droplets four times faster.

For more details, reporter Jang Hoon-kyung will deliver.

<Reporter> This

is Starbucks in Paju, Gyeonggi-do, where 56 confirmed cases have been reported so far.

Like any cafe, it has a closed glass structure, so virtually all that can be ventilated is the entrance.

The quarantine authorities are paying attention to the possibility that minute droplets of the confirmed person were blown by the air conditioner and spread throughout the store.

[Jung Eun-kyung/Director of Disease Control (Yesterday): If the air conditioner is running and ventilation is not adequate, so if you are exposed without wearing a mask for a long time (there is a possibility of infection)] A

space with a ceiling air conditioner like this cafe . I experimented with how quickly the air spreads.

When the air conditioner is turned off, the slowly moving air is quickly sucked into the intake vents when the air conditioner is turned on, creating turbulence and rapidly spreading into the room.

Currently, there is no air conditioner equipped with a filter that can filter the coronavirus, and when the virus enters the air conditioner, it comes out of the wind and has no choice but to spread.

I also turned on a stand type air conditioner that can be easily found in restaurants.

The wind blows more than 4 meters per second, which is four times higher than the wind speed that occurs when a person walks.

[Hamseungheon / Raised ceilings for Gil Professor: When coughing (I) Non weird kind of way larger particles, as well as'd infections because the study that also generated a lot of particles smaller than its air is not should be a sufficient consideration to]

this For this reason, quarantine authorities recommend avoiding meal gatherings.

It is safe not to take off the mask when multiple people stay indoors.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, video editing: Lee Seung-hee)    

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