It is a real-time e-news that points to the issue overnight through real-time search queries.

Today (6th), Rep. Ryu Ho-jeong of the Justice Party was ranked in the top of the search terms.

As Congressman Ryu wore a pink dress at the plenary session on the 4th, in 2003, after the controversy of the so-called'white pants oath' of the chairman of the late Roh Shi-min's Roh Moo-hyun group, the National Assembly dress debate reopened.

Some netizens who watched Ryu's outfit criticized that they seemed to be too light for attending the plenary session of the National Assembly, and that they should dress according to time and formality.

On the other hand, it was hard to say that the relationship between dress and work matters, and that the conservative National Assembly sees unprecedented clothes that are rather fresh.

There is only a comprehensive provision in Congressional law to maintain dignity as a lawmaker, and there is no dress code for lawmakers.

As the controversy grew, Senator Ryu told a media interview that he thought he had entered the National Assembly in a suit that could work, saying he didn't think the authority of the National Assembly would be set up in a suit.


Eating broadcasts, so-called Eukbang YouTubers have risen to the rankings.

A booming storm has been on the rise as a recent YouTuber uncovered a situation where famous YouTubers don't say it's a paid advertisement while producing and broadcasting a video that has been sponsored or advertised.

First, Mr. Bok-hee Moon, a YouTuber with 4.7 million subscribers, apologized for admitting that he had never revealed it as an advertisement.

Tsuyang, who has 2.7 million subscribers, also admitted that she had missed the advertisement, and posted an apology video.

Yang Fang, Ambro, and Mr. Hamji also apologized for the indirect advertisement controversy.

The Fair Trade Commission is also aware of this fact and is ad regulation. From September, it should be specified so that consumers can easily recognize it when paying advertisements or sponsoring products.