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On the 25th, a large dog, Rottweiler, was killed in Bulgwang-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, biting a neighbor's dog. Currently, the Rottweiler is sent to Gapyeong's dog school and is isolated, but residents' anxiety is increasing. This is because the Rottweiler was killed three years ago by biting another neighbor's dog. Rottweiler dogs explained that they wanted to apologize to their dog companion dogs, but the dog suddenly ran out of the yard and explained that it was an accident. However, the Rottweiler dog clearly stated that there was no intention to euthanize. Rottweiler killed by biting a dog like his family. Social media video mugs will deliver the thoughts of the Rottweiler dogs to their dogs, the neighbors who look at them, and the thoughts of the victim dogs. 

(SBS video mug)