
Three Vietnamese disappeared from a temporary living facility separating foreign immigrants for two weeks. It seems that he escaped on the 6th floor of the building on the 6th floor of the quarantine period after 1 week of release.

Reporter Jeong Ban-seok covered.


Three Vietnamese men in their late 20s who entered Incheon International Airport on the 20th to work as a sailor disappeared from the temporary living facility in Gimpo, Gyeonggi-do, yesterday (27th).

After entering Korea, I was quarantined, and I got a negative decision on the first inspection of Corona 19. I left the quarantine after neglecting the surveillance around 3:10 yesterday, leaving a week of release.

This is a temporary living facility where Vietnamese have been quarantined.

Police believe they escaped on a sixth floor from the building.

It was known that four police officers were guarding the outskirts of the facility, but they did not know that they had fled, and only 10 minutes past yesterday, at about 1:40 pm, the facility staff reported that the elevator was off and began investigation.

[Police officials: Since we are managing the entrance and

exit, we are mainly working at the front and back gates.] It is the first time that there have been cases of unauthorized departure from foreign temporary living facilities.

Health officials have accused the defectors of violating the quarantine law as soon as they are arrested, and said they will take measures against deportation and re-entry.

In addition, it announced that it would prepare measures to strengthen security, such as the expansion of CCTV in temporary living facilities to prevent recurrence.

The police are tracking the whereabouts of the defectors based on nearby CCTV footage.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, Video editing: Park Ji-in, CG: Lee Kyung-moon, Photo provided by News 1)