
Today (27th), a maritime cable car stopped in Samcheok, Gangwon-do, suddenly stopping. More than 40 passengers had to fear in a cable car floating 25 meters above the sea.

Reporter Jo Jae-geun reports.

<Reporter> In

the cable car floating in the middle of the sea, passengers urgently send a rescue request.

[Cable car passengers: It's different now, but he's connecting with a rescue team. I'm on the phone.]

At around 2:05 pm, a maritime cable car operated by Samcheok-si, Gangwon-do, stopped after 2 minutes.

I wanted to move for a while, but in one two-way cable car that stopped again, 41 people were riding.

The cable car moved back to the boarding area after 16 minutes.

Some of the passengers who had to fear for more than 20 minutes at a height of 25m from the sea burst into tears, and some burst into the inexperienced actions of Samcheok City.

[Cable car passengers: (the receptionist who rode the cable car together) He also froze and did nothing. It seemed that he was more surprised.] As the

cable car suddenly stopped, some passengers fell and suffered abrasions, and 20 people complained of dizziness and were treated in the hospital.

[Samcheok City Hall official: Power supply is cut off. I think the inverter has suddenly failed. So, by supplying power to the generator again (operated.)]

Samcheok City said that it would stop operating the cable car until the safety checks were completed and the passengers paid the full cost of treatment.

The Samcheok cable car, which opened three years ago, had an accident that stopped in the air for 10 minutes as the number of cables increased in 2018.

(Video coverage: Heo Chun Heo, Video editing: Park Ji-In)