The Supreme Court will make a final decision at 2 pm today (16th) on Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, who is accused of proclaiming false information regarding'accomplished hospitalization'. The Supreme Court's sentencing for this branch is broadcast live on TV and YouTube.

In June 2012, when Governor Seongnam was in office, the governor was accused of instructing a health psychiatrist and a psychiatrist to force hospitalization of his brother in a mental hospital.

The governor is accused of misuse of authority to force his brother to be admitted to a mental hospital in 2012, and to publicize false facts in the 2018 TV debate with the intention of'no attempt to be forced to be hospitalized'. 

In the first trial, both charges were judged innocent, and in the second trial, allegations of false facts were convicted and a fine of 3 million won was declared ineffective. 

If the Supreme Court confirms the ruling, the governor will be nullified and lose the office. In addition, the right to vote for five years is deprived. 

On the contrary, it is expected that the destruction of the centrifugal ruling sentenced to ineffective election will help maintain the presidency, and strengthen the position of a candidate for a strong passport. 

SBS broadcasts the Supreme Court's sentence on this branch via TV, homepage, and YouTube.