According to TASS, further work in this direction may become the basis for the creation of specific therapy and prevention of COVID-19.

"At the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, the first in Russia to receive active antibodies to COVID-19," said Olga Dorokhova, executive secretary of the SB RAS working group on overcoming the coronavirus.

According to her, for this, blood samples of ill donors and the technology for sorting single B-lymphocytes (blood cells responsible for the formation of immunity) were used.

As the specialist noted, the obtained antibodies can block the interaction of the virus and the ACE2 cell receptor (a protein embedded in the cell membrane) and prevent its "penetration into target cells."

In mid-July, studies of the world's first coronavirus vaccine were completed at Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov.

As noted in the center of them. Gamalei, they expect that the vaccine from COVID-19 will go into civilian circulation on August 14-15.