● Things that might not have happened if it hadn't been for Yun Seok-yeol

-Comments from the NIS If it wasn't for the prosecutor-general Yoon Seok-yeol (hereinafter omitted), who was the head of the investigation team and the special investigation team of the National Agricultural Research Service, the Moon Jae-in government would not have announced the Seoul Central District Attorney's greeting directly at the Blue House.

-If it wasn't for the Seoul Central District Attorney Yoon Seok-Yeol, who led the implementation of the current government's governmental affairs issue, the redemption of liquidation, Moon Jae-in's government would not have appointed Seok-Yeol Yoon to the Attorney General.

-If it weren't for Yun Seok-Yeol, it wouldn't have started a dozen investigations related to former President Lee Myung-bak, who had been questioning the possibility of investigation. (However, the breakthrough of the dozen investigations was prepared by a special investigation team that was installed in the Seoul Eastern District Prosecutor's Office, not the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office.)

-If it wasn't for Yun Seok-Yeol, it was lowered from the high prosecutor's level to the prosecutor's level to prevent the notice of personnel. The prosecutor's office probably did not direct the current government to become the Attorney General.

-If it weren't for Yun Seok-Yeol, the prosecutor's personnel in the second half of last year would not have placed all the staff of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office into a special case.

-Unless the'Yoon Seok-Yeul Division' was a middle-aged prosecutor during the second half of last year when he took office, the current prosecution would not have been split into so-called'old kings','new king's','synical spectators', etc.

-If the prosecutor-general was not Seok-Yeol Yun, in August of last year, when the prosecution was preparing for the hearing of candidates for the Minister of Justice, it would not have launched an investigation into suspicion of the corruption of the family.

● Things that might not have happened if it hadn't been for Han Dong-hoon

-If you weren't a research fellow at the Korea Institute for Justice and Training (hereinafter omitted as a position) who directed investigations related to the former secretary of the country by Yoon Seok-Yeol, the name of the'controversial sword-union suspicion' would not have been given.

-If it weren't for Dong Hoon Han, the media company that first reported the Channel A reporter incident would not have made the so-called form of reporting without sufficient grounds to raise suspicion of the prosecutor's involvement. In the accusation article, articles like'it may or may have been done' are rare.

-If it weren't for Dong Hoon Han, the media company that first reported the suspicion would not have covered the reporter with a fraudulent criminal. It's true that you have to look at the message, not the messenger, but if the messenger has a'before buying' it is another matter.

-If Dong-Hun Han was not included in the suspicion, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office would not have tried to file a warrant for arrest in the alleged'Forcing Misu' case.

-If Dong-Hoon Han was not included in the suspicion, Seok-Yeol Yun would not have instructed to convene a specialized investigation advisory group, unlike the opinion of the frontline investigation team.

-If Han Dong-hun was not included in the suspect, the investigation team under the Seoul Central District Attorney General Lee Seong-yun would not follow the command of the Greatsword and have not publicly opposed.

● Things that might not have happened if it weren't Chumiae

-Unless you were the Minister of Justice, Chu Mi-ae, who was a 5th lawmaker who served as the party's representative (hereinafter omitted from the position), I would not say anything that might come out of a historical drama saying, "The prosecutor general has disobeyed my command" Would not have.

-If it wasn't Chu Mi-ae, the prosecutor's greeting in January, which replaced the investigative officer in progress, would not have been criticized as a'balanced person'. In 2013, the person who criticized the replacement of the investigative team leader in the case of the National Intelligence Service's comment case was "Currently, will there be a convincing investigation result?"

-If it weren't for Chu Mi-ae, the Minister of Justice's second investigation would not have been exercised in a Channel A journalist case. The second investigation command would have been more meaningful if it had been ordered to prosecute the drifting'Samsung Biologics Incident' or to arrest a warrant for the'Blue House undermining suspicious case', which was known to be refusing to attend. will be.

-If it wasn't Chu Mi-ae, it would have been difficult for the Minister of Justice, who criticized the public announcement of the accusation and refused to disclose the complaint, to publicly disclose the progress of the investigation in relation to the Channel A reporter case.

-If it wasn't for Chu Mi-ae, it would have been difficult for the Attorney General, who had the prosecution as a foreign agency, to join hands with a criminal defendant charged by the prosecution.

-If it wasn't for Chu Mi-ae, it would have been difficult for the Minister of Justice, a member of the administration, to use the'Shincheonji Seizure and Search' issue, which even officially expressed the opposition to the Corona 19 defense, as a subject matter for the prosecution.

● If it weren't for the country, it would not have happened most of what was happening.

However, the stories so far are all meaningless in front of one family.

-'If it weren't for the former Minister of Justice of the country (situation, omission of the following positions)', most of what is going on now would not have happened.

-If it weren't for the country, the democracy vs. anti-democracy or "progress vs. conservative" would not reveal the familiarity of some democratic and some progressive forces hidden in the clear composition.

-If it weren't for the country, people who had stood under the same flag for a long time would not have been torn and split.

-If it weren't for the country, the people who had been the defenders of Yun Seok-Yeol at the hearing of the prosecutor-in-law's personnel affairs would not have changed the airlift to Yoon Suk-Yeol's snipers.

-If it wasn't for the country, Yoon Suk-Yeol might still be called "Our President."

(Photo = Yonhap News)