On the 2nd, Incheon International Airport Corporation's union (corporation union) opposing direct employment of security screening agents of Incheon International Airport is entering the resignation movement of the president of Incheon International Airport Corporation.

In today's statement, the KTO said, “The old boss said that the KTO also agreed to direct employment, but this is false. "We agreed to do it as a system."

It is that the employment of security screening agents is not possible to maintain the status of'special security guard' under the construction law, and that it has agreed to hire a full-time subsidiary until the law is revised.

They said, "But, the corporation distributed the press release with a one-sided interpretation that the organization as a subsidiary was'temporary organization." This was not an agreement agreed by the company's unilateral statement."

The construction union also said that the security officers were directly hired as petition police officers. "At first, it was not necessary to review the revision of the law. ·It was not mentioned in the pre-contract agreement, and criticized it as "promoting a move."

The KTO announced that it plans to increase the intensity of the compliance struggle and implement the former president's resignation campaign in earnest, and continue the signing campaign for the public.

(Photo = Yonhap News)