It is known that the quarantine authorities suspected that one student was infected in the school and the other in the suburbs, respectively, in connection with the succession of two classmates after one student was confirmed at Corona 19 at Cheondong Elementary School in Daejeon.

An official from the Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters (Bangbang) said on the 2nd, "The current epidemiological investigation shows that one person is highly likely to be infected in the school, and one person is likely to be infected outside the school."

This is the first case even if 1 out of 2 students is finally diagnosed with an intramural infection.

Kwon Joon-wook, vice-director of Bang Dae-bon, also said that during the regular briefing held at the Osong Center for Disease Control in Chungbuk on the same day, "the investigation is ongoing, but the possibility is very high."

He said, "It is true that the (infection) transmission is very unlikely to occur in the same place on different links."

According to the quarantine authorities and Daejeon city, on the 29th of last month, after confirming that a 5th grade student at Cheondong Elementary School (Daejeon 115) was infected with Corona 19, the following day, 2 grades were positive.

One of these is the same class as the first confirmer, and the other is the other.

The same class student (Daejeon 120) contacted the first confirmed student when she went to school on the 22nd to the 24th of last month.

The two students attended the same academy, but they were found to have different time zones.

Another classmate (Daejeon No. 121) went to the same gym as the first confirmed person, and they reportedly had many opportunities to get close to each other, such as going to play with each other.

Currently, the chondong elementary school is conducting a thorough examination for all students.

(Photo = Yonhap News)