Seoul coin karaoke owners picked up a picket and went to the city hall, saying they would listen to the city's position on the order to ban the assembly.

Yesterday (18th), about 30 coin karaoke owners in front of Seoul City Hall in the afternoon yesterday protested to city officials, saying, "The karaoke room and the salon are also out of the set ban, but why can't we?"

Earlier, the Seoul Metropolitan Government relaxed the order to prohibit the gathering of entertainment establishments from May 9 on the 15th. The quarantine rules were strengthened by keeping the distance between tables at least 1 m and limiting the number of people per area, but it was a measure that allowed the business to resume.
However, as coin karaoke was not included in the sanctions target, business owners began to complain. "Last week Gyeonggi-do and Incheon Metropolitan City released orders to ban the meeting, but Seoul did not release them." , Coin karaoke is a small number, so it's easy to stop," he said.

A city official said, "At present, there is a great concern about the spread of collective infections, so it is difficult to lift the ban right now." Regarding the business owner's claim that "the person in charge said that he would release the sanctions," he explained, "I haven't promised the manager, but there seems to be a misunderstanding."

In addition, in the case of other industries that have resumed operations, managers are required to comply with the strengthened quarantine regulations, and in the case of coin karaoke, there are many unmanned areas that are difficult to manage realistically. An official said, "But the business owners are unable to turn away from the difficulties in their livelihoods, so they are considering a solution."

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo = Yonhap News)