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When the famous celebrity Guhara died last year, it was reported that his birth mother had been fighting for a legacy with his older brother in 20 years without even quietly honoring his deceased. Whether or not they were responsible for parenting as a birth mother, the current civil law provisions with the power to inherit inheritance were a problem. In the past 20th National Assembly, the amendment to the provisions of this civil law, aka Gurah law, was delayed, and it was automatically abandoned after the deadline. 

A similar thing happened in the Jeonbuk area. When her daughter, who worked as a firefighter, died, 32 years after the divorce, child support was paid, as well as a birth mother who had no traffic, so she became a survivor of benefits and pension. It is said that the mother never showed up at her daughter's funeral. Other family members, including the elder sister of the dead paramedic, filed a claim for child support against the birth mother, and the court ruled that the mother should pay the child support she had not given. The video mug will tell you what the story is. 

It is also said that the new law in the 21st National Assembly was re-established. Will it be fixed this time?