
Yesterday (7th) Corona 19 confirmed 38 people, and in three days, it was reduced to below 50, the standard of daily life prevention. However, as there are still cases of group outbreaks in the Seoul metropolitan area, the Seoul city government advised the table tennis court to refrain from operating, and ordered door-to-door sales companies not to hold seminars where people gather.

Reporter Kim Hyeong-rae.


38 corona19 new confirmed patients were born yesterday and fell to the 50s level again in three days.

Among the new confirmers, there were 5 foreign inflows and 33 local outbreaks.

Local cases were 22 in Seoul, 7 in Gyeonggi, and 4 in Incheon, all from the metropolitan area.

The number of new confirmers decreased slightly from the weekend, but sporadic group infections continue to occur in the metropolitan area, such as door-to-door dealer Richway and Yangcheon-gu table tennis courts.

Currently, the biggest problem with the spread of corona19 in the metropolitan area is that the so-called'blinking infection' continues to be unknown.

[Yoon Tae-ho / Department of Health and Human Services Public Health jeongchaekgwan. You can also see a shame that the risk increased compared to the previous two weeks, including case the percentage of the infection is unknown increased to 8.7%]

Let's spread the metropolitan outbreak in Seoul today From now on, we have advised to refrain from operating in over 350 table tennis courts, and ordered compliance with precautions.

In addition, an order to ban collective gathering was given to businesses that collect large numbers of people, such as door-to-door sales companies and operate in the form of public relations halls.

Seoul Metropolitan Government also said that from today on, citizens of Seoul will be able to receive a free corona19 test even if they are asymptomatic by simply applying on the website.