
Jae-yong Lee, the vice-president of the party, yesterday (2nd) asked to convene a prosecution investigation committee. Citizens and external experts, not prosecutors, were asked to judge whether the investigation was appropriate and whether it was right to pass the trial, and the prosecution immediately asked for a warrant. For more information, we will contact reporters on-site.

Reporter Kang Cheong-wan, as Samsung, threw the game, but the prosecution responded with super-highs, and this analysis came out.


Yes, when the warrant was announced, the vice chairman's lawyers expressed a strong regret.

He has sincerely cooperated with the investigation, which took place over a year and a half, and asked the prosecutors' deliberation committee to call for a look from the public's point of view.


Then, what does the prosecution explain and why?

<Reporter> What the

prosecution is saying about Samsung's reaction, and a request for warrant is a scheduled procedure.

The explanation that the prosecution responded to Samsung’s win was also different from the fact.

Before the vice-chairman's request to convene the investigation committee, he had already decided on a warrant request policy, and both the command and the investigation team had no disagreement.

In addition, if the vice-president Lee, who is involved in the case, has filed for an investigation hearing, it is not subject to deliberation on whether to deal with new recruits, such as requesting a warrant.

<Anchor> The

arrest will now be overlooked at the beginning of next week, but if you are curious, will the prosecution investigation committee that Vice Chairman Jae-Yong Lee has applied continue regardless of that?


Yes, the Seoul Central District Attorney launched a lottery process for members of the Public Prosecutors' Citizenship Committee today.

First, the Citizens' Committee, composed of external experts, must decide to convene the Supreme Prosecutors' Review Committee.Even if the Citizens' Committee decides to convene next week, the final conclusion is expected to come out two weeks after the warrant.

However, it is the legal opinion that the deliberation committee recommends that there is no coercive force, and that the deliberation committee to decide whether to prosecute the arrest warrant is virtually meaningless.

Conversely, if it is dismissed, Samsung's claim that it is an unreasonable investigation will be strong, and the investigation committee may become a variable in the prosecution stage.

In the end, it seems to be a matter of how much evidence the prosecution has secured to persuade the court.

(On-site progress: Se-Kyung Kim, video editing: Ha-Won Ha)

▶ Jae-Yong Lee, the road   to redemption again… "Operation to succeed in management"