
Our coverage confirmed that a man caught yesterday (2 days) for assaulting a woman who he saw at Seoul Station for the first time, threatened by insulting and spitting on a woman a few months ago. It seems to be necessary to investigate whether there are more similar crimes than the Seoul Station case.

Reporter Kang Min-woo reports alone.

<Reporter> A

similar incident occurred here four months ago, at a crossing near the residence where Mr. Mo was arrested.

In February, Mr. Lee suddenly came to a woman who stood here and waited for a crossing sign.

Then, suddenly, he began to threaten with abusive language.

[Damaged woman: I just smoked cigarettes on my face. Look at all this, this is a ○○○ Ah spit on my face. (The body is hardened, so I just kept spitting twice more.) I called the

police, but this was already gone.

The victim woman encountered Lee again a few days later.

[Damaged woman: I'm so surprised that my legs are loose and I'm scared... .]

I reported it back to the police, but I didn't receive any help because I wasn't a criminal.

The police also said they would sue if they wanted punishment, but they couldn't do it because they were afraid they would be exposed.

[The victim woman: Because he knows the time when the person comes out, he told me to avoid it, and (the police officer) said this.]

Eventually, I had to escape from Mr. Lee and move to another town.

Police and railroad coordination investigations are expected to continue in order to investigate further crimes in places other than Seoul Station.

(Video coverage: Yongjin Joo, Video editing: Junhee Kim)