
The gu, Seoul was a restaurant owner confirmed this decision. After working for 10 more days at the store after suspicious symptoms appeared, I was examined and confirmed yesterday (28 days). Looking at the report, those who have recently gone to the restaurant should take a diagnostic test.

For more information, I'm Jeon Nam Jeon.


'Myeongga Chicken Hanmari', a restaurant in Seongdong-gu, Seoul. The door closed tightly with the lights off.

This morning, the owner of this restaurant, a man in his 60s, was confirmed.

Mr. A's restaurant is just opposite Illuori, a restaurant with six confirmed people, including three employees and three guests.

Mr. A has had fever and coughing symptoms since the 18th, but he worked 12 hours a day from 11 am to 11 pm until the 27th, and was tested today yesterday after being examined yesterday.

[Gu Office officials: infection route has a multi guidance as to get the whole test only in people who have to see it for sure because you are epidemiological studies, now go in this great danger restaurant there -

health authorities, Mr. A infection ' Illuori 'is being investigated for epidemiology.

In particular, considering the latent incubation period of Mr. A, visitors from this restaurant yesterday asked for a test.

Four people, including three inmates and one caregiver, were also infected at the Happy Nursing Home in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, where a caregiver was confirmed yesterday and was put into quarantine.

[Gyeonggi-do Gwangju City Hall Officials: No one is at risk as of now. However, I'm older, so I'll have to look at it later.]

Additional infected people are those in 44 who were in close contact with a caregiver confirmed yesterday.

Examination of the remaining 150 employees, including residents, will soon be over.

(Video coverage: Kim Nam-sung · Kim Yong-woo, Video editing: So Ji-hye)