
Daegu also had an emergency again. A 19-year-old patient infected with Corona from Itaewon went to Daegu to play with a friend, but the two are walking around 30 places in a cafe with only 3 coin karaoke rooms, a game room, etc.

This is TBC Park Chul-hee.

<Reporter> The

first confirmer of the Itaewon Club in Daegu is Mr. A, a 19-year-old male living in Dalseo-gu. From the 11th to the 20th, I met a friend B of Seoul, who stayed in Daegu, and it seems to be contagious.

Mr. B, who was confirmed two days ago, is believed to be infected by an acquaintance in Seoul who has been to the Itaewon Club.

According to the analysis by the quarantine authorities, Mr. A is a tertiary infection from Itaewon, and even a 60-year-old grandmother in Seongju County, who visited Mr. A's home, was positively confirmed today (23rd) and confirmed until the fourth infection.

The worrying part is that Mr. A's and Mr. B's movements are so extensive.

It was confirmed that they traveled by subway and city bus and found 30 unspecified facilities such as coin karaoke rooms, board game rooms, restaurants, and neighborhood hospitals in Daegu city centers and university districts.

[Kim Jong-yeon / Deputy Director of Infectious Disease Management Support Group in Daegu City: (In case of Mr. B) It is understood that the virus discharge was used in a number of facilities at a considerable time. There have been many cases where the mask was not worn.]

The quarantine authorities are conducting diagnostic tests on more than 70 contacts, including 10 large restaurant employees whose part-time jobs are part-time, and are also focusing on identifying additional contacts.

Daegu City's homepage was down last night as more citizens were trying to confirm the enthusiasm of the confirmed people.

[Im Soon-ok / Dongcheon-dong, Daegu-si: I need to be careful and have less contact, and I have to wander less.]

Daegu, Gyeongbuk, which was only stable after severe confusion. We are keen to know if the infection from Itaewon will lead to re-proliferation.

(Video coverage: Sangho Lee TBC)