It is known that the assailant in a group of sexual assaults in Incheon middle school students sued the brother of the victim for 'constrained charges'.

Today (28th), the Incheon training police said a lawyer for the sexual assault suspect A-gun accused the victim's brother, 20-year-old B, of imprisonment.

According to the complaint, Group A claimed that Mr. B imprisoned Group A in a house in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon on January 8th. It is said that Mr. B, an adult, imprisoned the 15-year-old group A without his parents' consent and forcibly responded.

In response, Mr. B responded, "I heard that my acquaintance's acquaintance was with the consent of the student's parents and was with the A group, so I went to that place." Also, in the process, A and others said that they had been complaining about their sexual assault.

The police explained that the complaint was missing a statement from party A, and it was difficult to immediately begin the investigation. It is a position that it is not possible to decide whether or not to proceed with an investigation only after visiting the A group in the detention center and confirming the date and location of the incident and the damage.

Two people, including A, are suspected of being sexually assaulted on December 23, last year, after drinking and drinking on victims of the same middle school.

This is 'News Pick'.