
Three more arrested yesterday (23rd) following the arrest of a former Blue House executive who was arrested a few days ago, and all three involved in the lobbying suspicious of SBS 'first exposure to Lime were now subject to prosecution.

Reporter Im Chan-jong will explain in detail what prosecution will focus on in the future.

<Reporter> The

so-called 'Lime Three Persons' attracted attention after reporting SBS's lobbying suspicious recording files last month.

Let's look at each one. First, I am Jong-Pil Lee, former vice president of Lime Asset Management.It is said to have played the biggest role in making Lime the largest hedge fund manager in Korea, but it ran away when a warrant was filed in November of last year as suspicions were raised to stop fund funding and embezzle large amounts of money.

Next is Kim Bong-hyun, former star mobility chairman.In the dialogue file in question, it was portrayed as 'President' with tremendous funding and political lobbying.

It has been confirmed that a lime-related fund has a close business and personal relationship with former vice president Lee Jong-pil, such as investing a large amount in Kim's former company.

In fact, when they were arrested yesterday (23rd), they were together.

Lastly, Moo Kim, former chief of the Cheong Wa Dae Economic Affairs Office, is the head of the Financial Supervisory Service, who was recently arrested by the prosecution.In the recording file, Lime was designated as a key lobby target, and a warrant was issued because of allegations of bribery and disclosure of confidential information.

Prior to the prosecutor's investigation, former administrator Kim also confirmed the fact that he had met several times at the top-end room salon in Gangnam last year with former friend Kim Bong-hyun, a trend friend.

The focus of the prosecution's investigation against these three people is to reveal the lobby audience.

It will likely be overshadowed by a follow-up investigation, including a three-person statement, whether it will end in the arrested former Blue House executives or expand to other political parties.

Whether it is illegal in the process of selling lime-related funds, allegations of embezzlement and embezzlement by employees, and allegations related to companies invested by Lime are expected to be identified in turn.

(Video editing: Jong-Tae Kim, CG: Seung-Hyun Seo)