The former remarks and behaviors of former Mayor of Busan Mayor Augusta who acknowledged and resigned from sexual harassment are being reexamined.

At a weekly work report meeting in Busan City held on September 16th last year, Mayor Oh said, "There is no way that sexual harassment or sexual harassment can be committed against low-ranking employees or civil servants in centers or organizations that support the socially disadvantaged."

This was a remark following a series of sexual harassment incidents at Busan affiliated organizations and consigned organizations such as the Busan Disabled Persons Job Center. Mayor Oh repeatedly emphasized, "I will never let anyone say that Busan's punishment for sexual harassment is light. It will be punished as much as possible with all possible means and methods."

In particular, Mayor Oh explained on 'Sexual Sensibility' on this day, saying, "If gender is different, it means that you should think that you can accept the situation differently from me." After the announcement of the resignation of Mayor Oh, netizens and civic groups, who had heard of the past remarks, criticized them for saying "floating and floating" and "successful". This is because the former mayor himself showed low gender sensibility by using expressions such as 'I realized that I could be recognized as a forced harassment' and 'regardless of the severity' in the resignation statement.

Mayor Oh also posted a post titled "All women will strive for Busan that does not give up their dreams" on their SNS on the 8th of last month on "World Women's Day." "It should not be." A heavy accusation followed when it became known that they had posted these posts just a month before committing sexual harassment.

The Busan Sexual Violence Counseling Center noticed in May 2018 that the mayor of May had female workers sitting on both sides of the dinner table. The counseling center emphasized, “We were able to foresee the resignation of the mayor.” A low sexual perception sensitivity and an attitude of not reflecting on it can lead to sexual violence incidents at any time.

This is 'News Pick'.

(Photo = former Mayor of Augusta, Facebook of Mayor, former Mayor of Augusta, Twitter)