
Colleges that are giving online lectures have been worried about the midterm exam this semester. There are not many schools that take exams online, because there is a lot of talk between students trying to take a proxy exam or solving a problem together.

This is reporter Yoo Su-hwan.


This is a post from Hanyang University's exclusive student community.

It is about sharing a process of answer and solution after several students gather and share a problem in an online test subject.

7 people have already gathered, and the average credit is 4.2, and they also advertise that they can receive A +.

[Hanyang University 2nd grade: 'I'm going to study this range, so you can do it over there,' he said. Cheating ... .]

There are also a few articles that deal with proxy testing on a regular basis.

If you receive an A + for a deposit of 50,000 won, you advertise openly for 100,000 won as a success fee.

Hanyang University, which started online classes on the 16th of last month, is in the position of the professor in charge, whether it is offline or online, as the intermediate exam format is at the discretion of the professor.

However, we haven't been able to respond to how to stop cheating.

Seoul National University and Korea University have banned face-to-face exams, but left the online exams to prevent fraud.

After worrying, Yonsei University decided to replace the midterm exam with a task.

In the case of cyber colleges, which have usually been taught online, students who authenticate themselves with biometrics and the like, and use the Internet address at the same time and place are investigated for cheating.

However, it is not easy to detect even if you take the proxy test after the authentication.

It is said that it is irresponsible to leave it to the student's conscience, and some say that they will take the open book exam or postpone the exam until the corona situation stabilizes.

(Video editing: Yumira, VJ: Hyungjin Kim)