
The police filed for a warrant for a 60-year-old man who went to the sauna twice the day after he came from the United States, ignoring the health authorities' instructions to stay at home. When people who did not maintain self-containment continued to appear, the police even issued specific warrant criteria.

Reporter Jeong Ban-seok will tell you more.


A 68-year-old man from the United States on the 10th.

Despite being subject to self-isolation, I went to the sauna on the afternoon of the 11th, the day after I arrived, and was caught by the police.

After being sampled and released, Mr. A was arrested after eating at a restaurant and visiting the same sauna again in the evening.

For Mr. A, who violated self-isolation and went out twice a day, the police filed for a warrant for violating the infectious disease prevention method.

This is the first time a warrant has been filed for violating self-containment.

The police are also considering applying for a warrant for a woman in her 30s who left her cell phone at home one day before release.

[Local government officials: Because you have to ring the bell at the level of awareness. Even if he (removal of containment) remains one day, the violation is a violation.]

The police say that even the same quarantine violations are more likely to apply for a warrant of arrest for those who have met more than those with fewer contacts, rather than those who are not asymptomatic.

Even if you deliberately leave your mobile phone at home or repeatedly leave, you may be eligible for an arrest warrant.

Until now, 113 people have been arrested for violating the quarantine measures, and if the enhanced standards are applied, the number of eligible applicants for arrest warrants is expected to increase.

(Video editing: Jong-Tae Kim, CG: Seung-Hyun Seo)