
As school opening is delayed, schools are becoming more crowded. The school keeps closing because of fear of getting infected, but less than 20% of the schools in Seoul are closed.

This was covered by reporter Sung Hoon Lee.


Seoul Daechi-dong school district. Students wearing masks line up into the academy.

[High school student: I am wearing a mask and doing classes. The teacher is wearing a mask as well.]

Despite concerns about the spread of Corona19, the reason why students visit academy is because of anxiety.

[High school student: I am delayed in school, but I have to study and I can't help it because it wastes time again.]

Although they say they start school online, parents are worried that the class will be right.

[Kim Hwa-sil / Middle School Parents: Online lectures are not interactive. Keep listening and the kid may get bored and I don't know if it will work ... .]

The government strongly recommends that schools be extended while school is delayed, but it has not been very effective in the field.

If you think about the monthly salary of the lecturer, even the academies cannot help it.

As a result, only 16.9% of the 25,000 schools in Seoul are closed.

[Lee Yoo-won / Chairman of the Korean Academy of Gatherings: In the case of large academies, there is a loss of one billion units. It's really devastating.]

Recently, in Seoul, academy instructors have been repeatedly confirmed, and concerns about group infection are growing.

(Video editing: Park Ji-in, VJ: Oh Se-gwan, Shin So-young)