Sukhee Son (64), CEO of JTBC, today's (25th), Jo Won-bin (24), a telegram 'Parkbang' operator, said that he received a keynote from Mr. Ung Kim (50), a freelance journalist, to inflict harm on the president and his family. He said he had been tricked into lying and responded to Cho's demand for money.

JTBC today announced that Mr. Son has approached him through telegram as if he was President Heung Shin-so, who had been ordered by Mr. Kim, a freelance journalist in dispute with a car owner.

JTBC said, "The Joo-bin deceived that Mr. K (Kim Woong), who is in dispute with his son, is looking for an action plan to harm his son and his family and approached him for this." He insisted on presenting the contents of a telegram conversation with Mr. Kim, which has been manipulated to a high degree.

"Son and Son's family trembled with anxiety," he said. "Even if you are in dispute with Mr. K (Kim Woong), it is difficult to believe that he is the person who will do the same. I added.

In response, Mr. Cho demanded a money-and-money for the evidence, and Mr. Son said, "There is an unavoidable response to securing evidence."

After that, Jo Joo-bin is said to have been arrested after being subdued without providing evidence.

However, President Son and JTBC did not disclose the amount of money Son gave to Jo Joo-bin.

Regarding the reason why he responded to Mr. Cho's intimidation without reporting to the investigative agency, Son said, "If the person who decided to harm is actually not Mr. K (Kim Woong), even if he reports Jo Joo Bin, there is a possibility of finding another action. I was very careful because I saw it, so I was delaying the report, ”he said.“ If anyone really wants to hurt the family, it shouldn't be just Jo Jo Bin. ”

In addition, he added, "I found out through the police after arrest that the person who approached the office of Heung Shin-so was Cho Joo-bin."

JTBC said, "We will understand and support the position of President Suk-hee Son and his family and will actively support future responses."

Cho, who is accused of producing and distributing sexual exploits of a number of women, including minors, as the operator of the Telegram 'Park's Room', went out to the police station today (25th) and said, "President Suk-hee Son, Mayor Yoon Jang-hyun, reporter Kim Woong "I sincerely apologize to all who have suffered me."

Joe referred to them as victims, but it was difficult to deduce what damage they had, and controversy arises.

(Photo = Yonhap News)