A site to calculate how long you will last with your stock of toilet paper - Geeko

Media from around the world shared images of stores with completely empty toilet paper shelves. An amazing phenomenon that has not failed to react on social networks, especially through the #StayAtHomeChallenge. More concretely and to know if you will soon have to leave your home to buy them, a site allows you to calculate how long your stock of toilet rolls will last.

Depending on the number of rolls you have left and the number of times you go to the toilet per day, How Much Toilet Paper? ! gives you an estimate of the number of days your stock will last. For example, if you have 12 rolls left and you visit your toilet 3 times a day - the site's default - you are good for 60 days. Obviously, if you are several under the same roof, the stock will last less time. It is also possible to take into account several other criteria, in particular the number of sheets used.

Raise awarness

Beyond the joke, the site aims to raise awareness about impulsive and unnecessary purchases. “Not everyone is able to go to a store and stock up on toilet paper. Don't be selfish, ”reads the site. Moreover, the site highlights how much your stock exceeds your real needs during quarantine.

“Our average user has 500% more toilet paper than he would need in a potential quarantine. We hope people will use the site and see that they don't have to go out and empty the shelves, "the site's creators told The Verge.

How Much Toilet Paper? ! was born from a reflection between an apprentice developer, Ben Sassoon, and an artist, Sam Harris, after a discussion concerning the delicate subject of toilet paper and its use during quarantine.


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  • Consumers
  • Consumption
  • Hygiene
  • Health
  • Containment
  • epidemic
  • Coronavirus
  • High-Tech
  • Shortage