• Plague Inc .. The game to create a coronavirus that triumphs with each epidemic
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Contagio is a 2011 film starring Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Laurence Fishburne and Jude Law, among others. It passed without sorrow or glory and possibly would have become another tape if it weren't for the coronavirus, which has caused it to be among the most downloaded of the moment.

There are two reasons that explain this event. The first is that, as the name implies, this work is about a deadly virus that begins to spread throughout the world while humanity seeks a cure for the desperate. In addition, while other films are more alarmist - or directly have zombies - Contagion's disease has characteristics that are very reminiscent of the current situation. The second reason is much simpler: the movie is not on Netflix .

According to a study carried out by the specialized portal TorrentFreak and The Verge, the downloads of the film, which cannot be seen in services such as HBO or Prime Video, have increased accordingly.

Thus, if before the Contagion coronavirus it was downloaded approximately 200 times a day - the figure is approximate, as there are no official torrent discharge data -, on January 24 it reached 1,543 tears, the 25 rose to 9,369 and one week then it exceeded 25,000 in a single day .

Where Contagio is available, it is on iTunes and Apple's digital video store has benefited from having it in its selection: according to BuzzFeed News, it has gone from ending December as the 270th movie in reproductions to be the second with more views in So far this year.

Contagio is currently ranked 35th among the most popular IMDB movies, after climbing 18 positions, below A quiet place 2 and ahead of Bloodshot; both, released in 2020. In front of her there is only one film that did not come out in 2019 or 2020 and it is Candyman, which is relevant again because this year a remake of the original will be released. Among the first 60 there is only one previous tape: A quiet place, of 2018.

This trend can also be verified with Google tools, which allow us to see how searches for the term 'contagion movie' or ' contagion movie ' increased at the beginning of the year (in Spain and the rest of the world) and had a peak near the end of the month of January.

Something similar happened with Plague Inc., the game in which you have to create a deadly virus that ends the world population. In this case, its creators had to remember that it does not serve to predict how the coronavirus behaves, although it could help teach how to fight these diseases.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Netflix
  • Coronavirus

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