
Of the 204 domestic patients confirmed by today (21st), there are more than 140 people, including those who have recently been to or have been in contact with the Shincheonji Daegu Church, and those who are related. Patients are coming from all over the country as well as from Daegu and Gyeongbuk.

I am a journalist.


Of the 204 corona confirmers, 144 confirmed the Shinchon branch church, accounting for 70% of all patients.

As of now, more than 130 confirmed patients have been confirmed in the Daegu area where Shinchonji Church, where 31 patients have visited, is gathered.

However, there are many members who have visited this church in other parts of the country, so there are more confirmed people from all over the country.

Two confirmed doctors visited the church in Gwangju, but it is expected to increase further.

Gyeongnam and Gyeongbuk were identified as four and one respectively.

The first one confirmed today in Seocho-gu, Seoul, a 59-year-old man who went to Shincheonji Daegu Church on the 12th.

Currently, he is isolated and transported to the National Medical Center.

Seocho-gu decided to raise the crisis response stage to "serious" and to strengthen the anti-disinfection work for multi-use facilities.

The Health Authority will conduct a survey on more than 9,000 members of the Daegu Church in Sincheon-ji.

[Eung-Kyung Chung / Head of Disease Control Division: We have received a list of nearly 9,300 people and we are working on them collectively. In addition, we will also secure a list of those who have come to Daegu to worship in other cities and provinces.

In addition, Qingdao, Gyeongbuk, where the hospital where the brother-in-law of the Shincheonji Church President Man-hee Lee held a funeral, was held, counted 16 people, including one who died.

(Video Editing: Kim Jong Woo)