Connected objects are vulnerable targets for hackers. - M.Libert / 20 Minutes

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (United States) have developed an application capable of locating connected objects that collect personal data. The program, dubbed IoT Assistant, has been available on iOS and Android since Wednesday in the United States, Numerama reports.

The app lets you know at any time which public or private connected objects are nearby and which types of information are retrieved. If an option to stop data transfer is available, the application automatically offers to activate it.

An app that enforces the GDPR

But if the devices do not include an option to stop data collection, the application co-funded by the United States Department of Defense has provided a way to protect his privacy despite everything. The designers imagined a portal which enforces the rules of the GDPR or similar laws.

These texts "require giving people some control over the data collected and how it is used," recalls Norman Sadeh, co-creator of the application. In particular, users must be able to download, delete or prohibit the compilation of their information.

The academics have also created another space for companies or institutions to which smart objects belong in order to indicate their location and specificities. "We have pre-chewed the work for you," says Norman Sadeh. “Just add your connected objects to the platform to comply with recent privacy laws. "


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  • United States
  • RGPD
  • Personal data
  • Protection
  • High-Tech
  • Application