Netflix abandons binge-watching for some of its series - Geeko

Netflix continues to grow inexorably. After a small slowdown, the streaming giant has just announced a new increase of 8.8 million subscribers, which increases the total subscribers to more than 167 million worldwide.

The streaming giant exceeds the expectations of analysts, who expected to see its figures slow with the arrival of new streaming platforms in the United States. Despite an already huge penetration rate on American soil, Netflix continues to see its number of subscribers increase across the Atlantic and registers no less than 420,000 new subscribers in the United States, after having recorded a drop of 130,000 subscribers in the second quarter 2019. However, Netflix made the biggest progress internationally.

Programs that make a difference

The arrival of big exclusives on the platform at the end of the year undoubtedly contributed a lot to its success at the end of 2019. Netflix thus hosted the first season of The Witcher - now its biggest historic success -, the action movie 6 Underground and the future Oscar contender The Irishman .

The start of 2020 should be a little more complicated. The streaming giant sees only reduced growth. According to his forecasts, he should still gain 7 million new subscribers. The recent rise in prices in Europe could, however, affect its results.


"La Casa De Papel", "The Witcher", "6 Underground" ... Netflix unveils the 2019 top of its most popular content in France


VIDEO. Netflix: "We are also disappointed when a series ends," says Reed Hastings, co-founder of the streaming platform

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