Jang Young-ja (75), who was imprisoned after being released from prison, was sentenced to imprisonment in the second trial.

The 50th sentence of the Seoul Central District Court's Penal Information Office (Kim Byung-soo, senior chief judge) sentenced to four years of imprisonment for the first time in Jang's appeal, which was accused of fraud and other charges.

Chang accused him of cheating about 600 million won from victims because he needed money or donated business funds to donate Samsung Everland convertible bonds in the name of his late husband, Lee Chul-hee, from July 2015 to May 2017. I was arrested.

At the time of the crime, 10,000 shares of Samsung Electronics, which had a market price of 15 billion won, were tied up as collateral.

But the prosecution found that there were no convertible bonds or shares of Samsung Electronics under his husband's name.

Mr. Zhang is also accused of cashing billions of counterfeit checks.

Jang has denied allegations, showing strong distrust in prosecution and courts throughout the first two years.

However, the court did not accept Mr. Zhang's claim that, "For a long time, I heard if there was any part of the defendant's claim that I could listen to, but even if I looked back after the decision, enough evidence was submitted to plead guilty."

As in the first trial, Zhang did not appear in the second trial.

On this day, I submitted a reason for non-attendance stating that I was sick.

The court said, "The defendant said that he did not attend school on last year, and the guards reported that the defendant was female and old, so that it was difficult to put it into court until he was forced to use it."

It is the fourth time Jang has been arrested.

He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for a fraud in 1983 and was released on parole in 1992 with five years in prison.

However, he was sentenced to four years in jail after being sentenced to a 14 billion won fraud in 1994, a year and 10 months after his release.

Later, he was released as a special envoy on Liberation Day in 1998, but was released in January 2015 after being arrested for a 2000 bill scam.

(Photo = Yonhap News)