Citizens marched to Cheong Wa Dae carrying the torture bonus of torture Joongwon Jockey.

The Citizens' Countermeasures headed to Cheong Wa Dae at the Seoul government building today with a vacant bonus.

Moon's father, Moon Gun-ok, sat in front of the bonuses to steal tears and touched the white paper flower on the bonuses.

"The horse race is a public company," he said. "We are going to the Blue House with terrible feelings to hold the president accountable."

The Citizens' Compensation Committee said, "I can't move the body again, so I march in vain."

Joong-Won Moon left the world after leaving a suicide note. He accused the assistant's "negative horse racing" instructions and "unfair placement."

The bereaved family requested a fact-finding interview and asked for a horse-horse meeting, but the horse-horse has blocked visits to the family and refused to meet.

(Image Editing: Eunkyung Lee)