
Last year, a warrant was held for Rev. Jeon Kwang-hoon, who was charged with a warrant for leading an illegal violent rally on Gwanghwamun. Reporter connects.

When will reporter Lee Hyun-young come out?


Yes, it hasn't come out yet, but there are many prospects that the results won't come out late at night because the issues aren't complicated.

Today, hundreds of former pastors' supporters continue to call for the dismissal of warrants.

Earlier, a pastor also went to court and denied the charges.

[President Kwang-Hoon Jeon / President of the Korean Christian Federation: I saw a violent rally behind me. If I say sin, it's my sin.

The warrant was held in the morning for a little over two hours.


Regardless of whether a warrant is issued this time, is the pastor under investigation for other charges?


Yes, because I was accused of other charges, and the police are investigating this.

The pastor was accused of illegally raising money by receiving donations, and at the New Year's rally yesterday on charges of illegal campaigning, saying, "Pick your own party in the general election." Some have been accused.

The pastor said after the warrant, "I will respond to the police summon even if the warrant is dismissed."

(Video coverage: Doo-won Yang, Video editing: Soyoung Lee, On-site progress: Compilation type)