
[What did the first lady say? "What do you know?" ]

Even now, it is Mr. Chun Doo-hwan who is called Sir in the dining room. Yesterday (12th), the 40th anniversary of the 12/12 military coup, Chun Doo-hwan was unveiled at a luxury restaurant in Gangnam. Jeon Doo-hwan, who suffers from Alzheimer's, did so at a golf course a while ago and he looked healthy yesterday. Nevertheless, he said he would not come to the trial next week.

Reporter Je Hee Won


Chun Doo-hwan was captured yesterday at a fine restaurant in Gangnam, Seoul.

He wears a silver suit and has a warm conversation with the attendees.

Former presidents of the 12/12 military coup, Se-chang Choi, and former special commander Jeong Ho-yong are also visible.

Mr. Jeon, who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease and is not on trial, is following a video of a golf course last month.

Chung Han-sol, vice-president of the film, testifies that Mr. Jeon led most of the conversation.

[Lim Han-sol / Justice Party deputy: I think you have watched the video enough. I think I should be forced to hire him right now and put Chun Doo-hwan in court.]

In a press release, Jeon said yesterday that the meeting was completely unrelated to 12/12, and that he was a "good Alzheimer" who showed no aggression and no short-term memory.

Mr. Jeon says he can sit in court but is unable to make a meaningful statement because of his mental health condition and will not be in court next week.

But criticism is growing over the attitude that golf and mealtime meetings can be attended but trials will not come.

(Image editing: Moo Hwan Jo, screen provided: Justice)