▲ Mr. Yoon Mo in the 8th case of Mars

During the 8th case of Lee Chun-jae's serial murders, police investigators confirmed that they had been acting harshly, including not waking up to Mr. Yoon (52) during the prosecution's recent investigation.

Yoon, who has been guilty of the incident for 20 years and said he had been reconsidered in court last month, has consistently insisted that torts have been committed during police investigations.

On the 13th, according to the law firm Dasan and the investigative authorities, Mr. Suwon's 6th Detective (Chun Jun-cheol) was called by three investigators, including the mother-in-law who was an investigator at the 8th case.

Yoon said criminals were arrested and detained, and beaten and harassed by Mr. Zhang.

Detective Jang and others were confirmed in a prosecution's intention to acknowledge some of the harsh acts such as not waking up to Yoon.

This is the first time that they have made a statement admitting to tort at the time of the investigation.

Detective Jang and others denied suspicion in the police investigation that he did not need to act harshly because he called Yun to investigate with the confidence of the results of the state of fruit.

Allegations that he has committed other assaults, such as assaulting or squatting, hitting Yoon with his fist or foot, are blamed for the dead detective.

Choi is an investigator who was suspected of committing various torts with Mr. Zhang.

Dasan said in a lawyer's opinion, "According to the investigation report, Mr. Yoon was arrested illegally on July 25, 1989, and continued to deny the crime and confessed for about an hour from the next morning." The fact that he did not slept is evidenced by investigative records and appeals, and Mr. Yoon has consistently insisted on the assault and harassment of the police. ”

While Yoon's allegations that he was convicted 30 years ago due to an unjust police investigation became increasingly true, the prosecution plans to review the statements of detective Zhang, his past police investigation, and Yun's request for reconsideration to reveal the truth. is.

A prosecution official said, "We can't give you an answer because it's under investigation."

(Photo = Yonhap News)