
Yesterday (9th), a passenger car running fast on the underground driveway suddenly lost balance and hit street lamps and transformers by the road. The car was completely broken, and three people were injured and the nearby electricity was cut off.

I'm Ahn Hee-jae.


A black passenger car passes quickly by the early morning underpass.

Immediately after passing, you suddenly lose balance and bounce off the road.

The street lamps turn off at the same time and a large flame bounces in the dark. At about 5:30 am yesterday, a 23-year-old Jo Mo crashed a streetlight on a road in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do.

A vehicle exiting the underground roadway hit a street lamp that stood here, then climbed into India, where it collided with a transformer second.

In the event of an accident, two front doors of a car hit a transformer.

All three passengers were injured, including 22-year-old An Mo, who injured his right arm in the back seat.

In addition, ten households were out of power due to a transformer breakdown, and they were restored in nine and a half hours.

[Witness: I think the car is in the middle. Can't beat the speed… The spark happened and it was on fire. The airbag is broken. . I just thought that I should save these people somehow.]

Mr. Cho is said to have been working with his colleagues at a nearby warehouse for breakfast.

Police are investigating that Mr. Cho has been speeding up without speeding and is investigating based on an accident vehicle black box.

(Video coverage: Seol Minhwan, Video editing: Jinhwa Choi, Screen provided: Gyeonggi Fire and Disaster Headquarters)