
Online interpersonal transactions are active, estimated at trillions of dollars a year. However, there is a risk of fraud as you only trade with limited information without knowing the other party.

Reporter Jung Jun-ho pointed out what to look out for.


Internet transactions between individuals who do not have a business registration depend on limited information such as the seller's sales history and mobile phone number.

In order to prevent damage, you can pre-check the fraud history of the seller by phone or account number, but recently you can hide the identity of your hacked ID or fake ID, so you can see the failure of trusting the seller information.

[Jeong-yeon Jung / Secretary General of the Korea Consumer Union: If you deposit money and don't send anything, it can lead to fraud, and consumers should know that anyway, such a person-to-person transaction has such a risk.]

Therefore, direct debit should be avoided in direct internet transactions between individuals.

The safest way to do this is to use secure transactions offered by direct dealing sites.

Safe transactions are a way for buyers to send payments to a payment broker via a virtual account, after the broker confirms that they have received the goods and pays the seller.

You have to pay a broker, but it's the safest way for both sellers and buyers to trust.

However, if a seller sends you the URL address directly via SNS or mail as a payment brokerage site, you should be as cautious as possible.

(Video Editing: Park Ji-in, VJ: Roh Jae-min)