Attorney General Chu Mi-ae's first day of work to prepare for a hearing, he said, "The public's expectations and demands for prosecution reform have increased."

Mr. Cho made his first commute to the personnel hearing preparation office on the 6th floor at the Seoul Southern Compliance Service Center in Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul. Cho, who appeared in a pink shirt and a blue suit, told reporters that he would "fill up the legal space urgently."

Chu also asked, "What message did you receive in the prosecutor's congratulatory call to Yoon Suk-Yeol?" I don't want to worry about it. "

However, we did not respond to specific questions regarding the prosecution's greetings earlier this year or the speculative conflict.

(Video coverage: Kim Tae-hoon, Video editing: Kim Hee-sun)