The Taman archaeological detachment of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences during the study of the land in the Krasnodar Territory discovered a treasure of 28 gold coins of Byzantine emperors. This was reported in the press service of the institute.

The find made on the Taman Peninsula dates back to the beginning of the formation of political relations between Russia and the Byzantine Empire, when Byzantine culture penetrated Eastern Europe after Christianity.

“Such treasures are not common: for example, in V.V. Kropotkin’s book“ Treasures of Byzantine coins on the territory of the USSR ”, published in 1962, only two treasures of the 10th century are described, both of which have not survived to this day. This finding will help us to obtain new data on an extremely interesting, but very poorly illuminated by historical sources period of our history - the formation of Russia and the first campaigns of the Kiev princes, ”said Petr Gaidukov, deputy director of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The treasure was found at the site of the ancient settlement, which was abandoned by the inhabitants around the 11th century. Gold coins were in almost perfect condition in a crushed ceramic vessel. On the obverse of each of them is minted the image of Jesus Christ.

  • Treasure at the place of discovery. Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory, 2019
  • © IA RAS

The most ancient coins are solid during the reign of Emperor Nicephorus II Foki (963–969). On the reverse of each solid are the Mother of God and Nicephorus II Fok, who together hold a cross.

Most of the treasure discovered is made up of later coins, the tarterons of Emperor John I of Tzimiskes (969–976). On their reverse, another plot - the Virgin blesses the new monarch.

According to scientists, the treasure dates back to the reign of John I of Tzimiskes. At this time, a special Russian principality of Tmutarakan was founded on the territory of the Taman Peninsula, the beginning of which was laid by the eastern campaign of Prince Svyatoslav to the Khazar Khaganate in 965.

According to the press service of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, thanks to the coordinated actions of scientists and police officers, the FSB and the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Krasnodar Territory, a valuable find was transferred to the Fanagoria Museum-Reserve. However, before becoming a museum exhibit, the treasure will be studied in the laboratory.