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The multi-faceted artist is running for the drama 'Wall Street Scammers' to win the Oscar with her role as a stripper plucking bankers

Although months remain for the Oscars to be delivered, the name of Jennifer Lopez (New York, 1969) sounds loud to take a statuette home. His role as stripper in Wall Street Scammers could allow this actress ( Selena , A Dangerous Relationship ) and singer to add a new success to a career, especially musical, which is plagued by them. In the drama directed by Lorene Scafaria ( New Girl series, An Imperfect Mother ), Lopez shares cast with Constance Wu, Julia Stiles and rapper Cardi B.

Trailer 'Wall Street Scammers'

Do you think this role will be a turning point in your career as an actress? Yes, of course I think so. People always tend to give up women of a certain age as lost. But I feel that my best years are coming and, the more I learn, the more experiences I have, and the more open I am to grow, the result of my work is better. I think that, as a singer, performer or producer, I can bring something new every day. It is wonderful to meet at this point in my life and my career and be able to say something like that. Has it been hard to play a character with a high erotic content and that, in addition, has forced you to have to perform well on a bar? Yes. At first I didn't think it was so hard. When I started dancing at the bar, I discovered that it was going to be complicated. But it was the day I went on stage and recorded my scene in front of more than 300 extras that kept screaming and whistling when I thought: “My God, this is crazy. What am I doing with my life right now? ”(Laughs). As an actress, it has been stimulating to play a character like Ramona, with so many nuances. She is a firm, fierce, ambitious and strong woman. And, at the same time, she is loving and affectionate. Do you look anything like her? In a way. But I could never imagine doing the things she did. Ramona lived his life without complexes, he understood that life is played in a certain way, and that if you don't do it, someone will take advantage of you. Although the public has seen your skills as a dancer on the musical stages, your fans have never seen you dance this way. Has it been complicated to learn? Yes, it has been very complicated. It is a very acrobatic activity and you need to be strong. I am an athletic woman: I train, lift weights, dance and do things like that. I can also say that I have practiced many sports. However, I had never done an aerobic job like that. I think it requires a different kind of strength. One day, Johanna Sapakie, a choreographer who has many years of experience as a dancer, told me: "I think you can do this." Then, he climbed onto the bar and turned upside down, with his legs open. I said, "I don't know if I'm so flexible." She told me: "Hang upside down." And, while in doubt, she added: "No, you can." So I took it as a game and said: «I want to do it as wonderfully well as you. But I also want to look like a stripper. She replied: «Oh no, that comes later. First you have to learn the technique so that, later, you can execute the movements ».

In addition to as an actress, Jennifer Lopez participates in the film as an executive producer.

So how much time did you need to learn to dance like this? About two months. It's curious. The first time I talked to Cardi B about this movie, I said, "I just started learning pole dance and I think it's very difficult." She told me that it had taken her years to learn it. That's when I thought, "And I only have seven weeks to learn!" What attracted you both to this story based on real events and also to participate in the film as an executive producer? I liked the script from the first moment I read it. I was attracted to the idea of ​​seeing that in this project there was a director, a screenwriter and women protagonists. I knew it was going to be something incredible, well told and with great characters. A movie full of truth and not just something cute. In fact, at some point, the plot becomes dark. I also knew that it would be a good thing for me. From a marketing perspective, do you think it is important that there are more Latin women participating in films aimed at the general public? Much. We are always trying to go one step further. I have done romantic comedies since I was 20 years old. I hope that changes and we can do something that changes things. Women like me want to make projects that talk about our truth and our history. I think, in that sense, we are on the right track. I also think it's a good time for women. We are maturing and losing our fear of saying what we think and defending ourselves when we feel attacked. Have you perceived that change in recent years? Yes, for a while now. But that makes me wonder how long it will take for the situation to generate equality between men and women. I do not know. I guess it takes time to continue moving in that direction. But, of course, we will continue to fight for it. By the way, have you tried to meet the real Ramona? I wanted to meet her, but the team thought it was better if we didn't. I love playing a real person. When I did it with Selena, what I liked most was getting into her head and seeing how she moved and listening to how she spoke. But with Ramona I had to be a little more creative.

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