A new feature available on some phones allows you to read your emails aloud. For the French version on iPhone and Android phones, however, it will wait a few more months.

This is an innovation that should please everyone who spends their day on their messaging. While we have long been promised a personal assistant in our phones, we really get closer to it since we can now ask his phone to read our emails out loud.

For example, if you are in your car or stuck in crowded transport, you can directly ask your phone: "What are my new mails?". The phone will answer you for example: "I found eight new mails and a change in the agenda", or "your end-of-year interview has been delayed to 11 hours", or again: "There is a hour, Jean-Luc Bavard sent an email to 50 people with the subject: 'Notice to the public: Its text: We are waiting for the pot of departure tomorrow evening Fanny in the cafeteria' ". Once you have viewed the message, you can then ask: "delete" or "archive", and the phone goes to the next message.

Only available in French on Outlook and Office 365

This technology, which is useful for people who are often on the move, does not yet work with all couriers. For now, it is available only on Outlook and Office 365. But Google should follow fairly quickly. On iPhones, it is already available, but only in English. For the French version and that for Android phones, it will still wait a few months.

Be that as it may, this innovation is indicative of a trend. We will increasingly communicate with our devices directly by voice, without going through the screens. This movement has already started at home with the speakers connected, and arrives at the office with the mails.