The prosecution launched a YouTube broadcast called 'Alileo' and began an investigation into the alleged dissemination of the false facts of the chairman of the World Labor Foundation.

The Seoul Western Prosecutors 'Office says the civil society's Citizens' Compensation Committee has allotted a case against Mr. Yoo for allegations of defamation due to dissemination of false facts and suspicions of public execution by hierarchies.

Earlier, the People's Compensation Committee accused Yu of saying, "Yoo made an absurd remark that he was buried by his own claims against public sentiment and incite people and harm the prosecution investigation."

The Minmin People's Compensation Committee said, "In the Allileo Broadcasting, President Yoo said," It is to protect the evidence. " .

In addition, the panel, which appeared on Chairman Yu's broadcast through additional charges, demanded an investigation into the sexual harassment remarks, saying, "The prosecutors loved KBS 'reporter A."